William Yue

I am a third year undergraduate student at the University of Texas at Austin, advised by Peter Stone. I am part of the Turing Scholars honors program, pursuing a dual major in Computer Science and Mathematics. I will be applying for machine learning PhD programs in Fall 2024.

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I'm interested in machine learning, sequential decision making, emboddied AI, and robotics.

t-DGR: A Trajectory-Based Deep Generative Replay Method for Continual Learning in Decision Making
William Yue, Bo Liu, Peter Stone
COLLA, 2024
AAMAS Extended Abstract, 2024
NeurIPS ALOE Workshop, 2023
project page / arXiv / code

A deep generative replay method that generates samples by conditioning on the trajectory timestep.

Fast inference of genetic recombination rates in biobank scale data
Ardalan Naseri, William Yue, Shaojie Zhang, Degui Zhi
Genome Research, 2023
RECOMB, 2023
ASHG, 2021   (Reviewers' Choice Award)
bioRXiv / code

An efficient tool to infer recombination rates using a biobank-scale haplotype panel.

P-smoother: efficient PBWT smoothing of large haplotype panels
William Yue*, Ardalan Naseri*, Victor Wang, Pramesh Shakya, Shaojie Zhang, Degui Zhi
Bioinformatics Advances, 2022

An efficient method to correct recent mutations and genotyping errors in biobank-scale haplotype panels.

Efficient Haplotype Block Matching in Bi-Directional PBWT
Ardalan Naseri*, William Yue*, Shaojie Zhang, Degui Zhi
WABI, 2021

An efficient method to find blocks of matches around each variant site and study the changes of matching blocks using forward and reverse PBWT.

Website design is taken from here.